We would love to answer your questions about 1 Birthmother 2 Another! Write to 1birthmother2another [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line: FAQ.
Q: Are you part of Birth Mother Baskets?
A: No, we are not. We provide a very similar service, but we are not in any way affiliated with Birth Mother Baskets.
Q: How do you decide who gets a care basket?
A: Because of our contacts at our local LDS Family Services office and the birth parent support group, we keep up on birth mothers who place through the agency. These are typically the women who receive our care baskets. However, we would love to provide care baskets to any local (Phoenix and surrounding area) birth mothers who need them! If you know of a birth mother with a very recent placement, or an upcoming placement, and you would like a care basket for her, please let us know via e-mail at 1birthmother2another [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject: care basket needed.
Q: Where do you get the things you put into the care baskets?
A: From you! We are at the mercy of whatever donations we get. If our need is greater than our donations we buy things for the care baskets ourselves. We are strictly not-for-profit, and any donations we receive go directly into care baskets.
Q: How can I help?
You can drop off donations at the Mesa AZ LDS Family Services office located at 235 S El Dorado Circle (just east of the 101 on Broadway). Monetary donations can be made through the PayPal link on the sidebar (temporarily down). If you have donation items that require pick-up, please e-mail us at 1birthmother2another [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line: pickup. Thank you!